Hi everyone,
Sorry that i write in English. I just moved to Germany and my German is not that good. Anyway back at home i have a CRV gen 3 with 2.0 petrol engine. I im thinking about gen 4 but i have so many questions:
- is the gen 4 interior smaller then the gen 3? Or it just seems like that to me?
- how is this car with rust issues? i gonna watch cars from Germany, do they have rust issues?
- is it possible to find gen4 1.6diesel from 2014 with Standheizung?
- with the gen3 i am super satisfied i only do regular services nothing more is the gen4 also so reliable?
- are all preface lift with xenon lights?
- is 100-120 000km for this engine too much? what is the expected mileage on this engines? what should i expect to be for servicing on mileage around 120 000km?
- is there a way to improve that dead spot of the engine till 2000rpm? does pedal box improves this?
Thank you for your replays if i think of something else i will write